دروس الرياضيات للسنة الثانية ب

by Etudes_apps



Tutorials. exercises. Mathematics assignments for the second year of the baccalaureateSummaries of the first sessionEndings and contactnumerical function connectionDerivation and study of functionsderivationStudy of functions and their graphic representationExponential function of base aInverse functionThe wall function of the order nInfinite branches of a function curveaxis of symmetry, center of symmetry, inflection pointNiberian exponential functionsconsecutive endExpired incrementsNumerical sequencesArithmetic in group Zcomplex numbersalgebraic structuresInternal Structure Laws (group, ring, body)Summaries of the second sessionLogarithmic functionsExponential functionsIntegration and original functionsintegrationoriginal functionsdifferential equationsPossibilitiesConics (Quadratic Curves)real vector spacesaerospace engineeringvector capricornwasherPeaceful strife in spacecensusSecond math exercises PakDerivation and its applicationscomplex numbersintegrationExponential functionsoriginal functionsLogarithmic functionsNumerical sequencesdifferential equationsEndings and connectionaerospace engineeringCalculating oddsThe study of functionsFirst session assignmentsHypothesis 1 Model 1Hypothesis 1 Model 2Hypothesis 1 Model 3Hypothesis 2 Model 1Hypothesis 2 Model 2Hypothesis 2 Model 3Hypothesis 3 Model 1Assignments of the second sessionHypothesis 1 Model 1Hypothesis 2 Model 1Hypothesis 3 Model 1